Generative AI

Explore news, AI-generated images, videos, music and more.

~119K members

🎂 Created at 12/11/2022

Topic: Artificial Intelligence

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind and respectful.

    Harassment, bullying, or toxic behavior won’t be tolerated.

  2. Keep posts on topic.

    Keep posts and discussions strictly relevant to generative AI.

  3. NSFW

    Nudity, pornography and risqué content is not allowed in this community. Keep the environment professional for all members.

  4. NFTs/Crypto

    This is not the place for promoting/selling NFTs, cryptocurrencies, or similar projects.

  5. Spam

    Unsolicited advertisements, repetitive messages, irrelevant or off-topic content, scams and spam posting.

  6. Multiple Posts

    Please avoid posting multiple similar images within a short time span.

  7. Stealing Content

    Posting other people’s work without credit is not allowed.

  8. External Links

    We only allow external links to verified/high quality sources.

  9. Asking for Engagement

    No asking for likes, followers, reposts or comments. Questions like: “Is this AI or not?” “This if my first post…” “Rate this…”

  10. English posts only.