Yankees Empire

The best place to talk Yankees baseball on X. Chase for 28 w/ us! Community perks: Ticket and merch giveaways, Promo codes w/ sponsors, NO BOTS, & more!

~20K members

🎂 Created at 3/24/2022

Topic: Baseball

Rules of the community

  1. Hateful comments

    No hurtful comments about someone’s religion, race or sexuality. No warnings issued, banned immediately if broken.

  2. Be respectful

    you CAN disagree with an opinion/take but do it in a respectful manner. Absolutely zero tolerance for name calling..

  3. Talk Yankees

    Negatives, positives, facts or opinions. Share it all.

  4. No wishing injuries/harm on players

    Absolutely no wishing of injuries or harm on any players whether Yankees or other teams.

  5. No politically focused posting

    While politics and sports may intersect, posts deemed problematic will be hidden at the mod teams discretion; without bias.

  6. No Spamming

  7. Trolling / Parody Posting

    Parody/Troll Posting Accounts must show that their content is meant for parody or trolling purposes in their account name, i.e. “Yanks fan (parody)”.