Lakers Twitter

Welcome to this community, home of your Los Angeles Lakers. Let's talk all things Lakers basketball. (Not Affiliated with the organization)

~8K members

🎂 Created at 8/5/2022

Topic: Basketball

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind and respectful.

    Hateful or disrespectful comments towards another user will be automatically removed from the community. It will not be tolerated here.

  2. Keep Tweets on topic.

    Keep all topics on this channel Lakers related. Any tweets that are not laker related will result in you being removed from the community automatically

  3. Purple and Gold for Life

    We all love our Lakers from the dark times to the bright times. We ride and die for one team and one team only in the city of Los Angeles.

  4. Only Lakers Fans on this community

    Anybody who is found to not be a Laker fan in this community will be automatically removed