Spoit's Mewers

To keep the Community updated on all the news and announcements.

~2.2K members

🎂 Created at 4/27/2024

Topic: Entertainment

Rules of the community

  1. No Discriminatory Language.

    No Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Edgy Jokes about disturbing topics like Sexual Assault, Molestation, Domestice Violence etc.

  2. Don't Spam

    There are plenty of ways to get your post seen by Spoit, so refrain from posting something multiple times or spamming the post itself.

  3. Porn/NSFW

    No Pornographic or NSFW Posts

  4. No Promo

    Do not link posts to your twitter, other random people's twitter, or promote other social media.

  5. Dont be Annoying

    If you are being “annoying,” mods can remove you. Be a positive member of the community.

  6. Misinformation/Drama Farming

    Mods do not need a reason to remove your posts (or you) if you are purposely trying to cause/start drama, start arguments or are spreading misinformation.

  7. Benefit to Community

    If you are not providing anything to the community mods can remove you at their discretion.

  8. Do not Violate Twitter TOS
