
A place to post about Fortnite.

~16K members

🎂 Created at 11/30/2023

Topic: Gaming

Rules of the community

  1. Keep Posts Related To Fortnite!

  2. Be Respectful!

    This means no unnecessary rude or harassing comments. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

  3. No Discriminatory Language!

    Any language that is used to discriminate against anyone is strictly prohibited (racist, sexist, reclaimable slurs, or homophobic language)

  4. No Explicit Content!

    Such as violent, gore-like, or sexual content (messages, photos, or videos)

  5. No Self-Promotion!

    You are not allowed to quote your own tweets from outside the community, ask for follows and likes, and advertise (posting island codes is allowed)

  6. (Optional) Share This Community!

    This helps to grow this community. ❤️