Halo Community

Join the Halo community to discuss, share or talk about the latest with HaloInfinite, MCC or Halo in general. All things Halo right here!

~7.1K members

🎂 Created at 4/9/2022

Topic: Gaming

Rules of the community

  1. No racism, sexism bullying or harassment

    Be respectful to our fellow Spartans that means views, opinions etc.

  2. No spam, self promotion or advertising.

    We have zero tolerance for spam. Sharing your creations or others is encouraged! Feel free to promote relevant Halo topics that can be helpful or interesting.

  3. No off topic posts, keep things Halo related.

    Please keep tweets on topic & Halo related. You may extend into the xbox ecosystem as well.

  4. Keep it Clean!

    We do not allow any NSFW images or art.

  5. Finish The Fight

    If you see anything that breaks the rules please report it or let a team member know. Continued rule breaking will result in warnings/Bans.