Royale High Community

Banner Art By: @simplesophers | Discord: | Carrd: ~ Thank you for being here, enjoy your stay <3

~22K members

๐ŸŽ‚ Created at 10/8/2023

Topic: Gaming

Rules of the community

  1. No Hateful Speech, Be Civil

    No racism, homophobia, ableism, threats, slurs, etc. Keep discourse respectful.

  2. No NSFW, Gore, or Dragging Posts.

    All gore/nsfw MUST have a TW + spoiler. Posts mentioning another user/player must have the username covered.

  3. No Fonts / Special Symbols

    Do not use special symbols/fonts in posts. Ex: ๐•ฝ๐–”๐–ž๐–†๐–‘๐–Š แดดโฑแตสฐ โ™ก

  4. No Fabricated / Leaked / Ai Content

    Do not share exploited leaks, ai imagery, or harmful misinfo. Satire posts are allowed if mentioned being satire.

  5. Magical Door

    If found disrespecting the community/mods you will be removed. If there is an issue please DM @Magnifae.

  6. No Reposting Rule Violations

    If you or your post was removed and you feel it was unfair please DM @Magnifae.

  7. Don't Clog!

    Do not retweet unless creating/adding to the discussion. (Minimum of a full sentence)

  8. General Rule

    A rule that covers all the extra bits! (Doxxing, rage bait, alts, etc)

  9. No Trading

    Do that here -->

  10. Fun Giveaways/Competitions Only!

    Giveaways/Competitions must only be for fun and not gain. Any GA/Comp requiring users to like, follow, or RT will be removed.