Xbox Community

Join the Xbox community to discuss the latest news on Xbox games, consoles, and more. Not an official Xbox or Microsoft community.

~45K members

🎂 Created at 11/1/2021

Topic: Gaming

Rules of the community

  1. No spam / unwanted posts

    If you post spam or unwanted posts you’ll be removed from the community immediately and unable to rejoin. We have zero tolerance for spam.

  2. No racism, sexism, bullying, or harassment

    Be respectful to one another, respect people's views and opinions.

  3. No adverts or self-promotion

    We do not allow adverts or self promotion posts. Promoting relevant and news worthy articles is allowed.

  4. No off topic posts or console wars

    Please keep tweets on topic and Xbox-related, and no console wars.

  5. Safe for work

    We do not allow any NSFW imagery or art.