Kim Petras Fans

A fan community for all things Kim Petras.

~2.3K members

🎂 Created at 3/1/2022

Topic: Music

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind and respectful.

  2. Do not spam.

    Please do not spam the community with irrelevant comments.

  3. Keep Posts on topic.

  4. No bullying, harassment, or discrimination.

    Absolutely no harassment (i.e. racism, transphobia, etc.) will be tolerated. Any vicious actions will result in permanent removal from the community.

  5. Do not share leaked material.

    Do not share any leaked/unannounced material or information surrounding it. This will result in permanent removal from the community.

  6. Do not break any community rules.

    Breaking community rules will result in permanent removal.

  7. Have fun!