Music Wars Official

Official X community for the Music Wars universe

~3.4K members

🎂 Created at 5/28/2023

Topic: Music

Rules of the community

  1. Be Respecful

    Show respect to all. Harassment, discrimination, and bullying will not be tolerated in any form. Treat others with kindness and maintain a friendly atmosphere.

  2. No Spamming

    Please refrain from sending a large volume of small messages in the community repeatedly.

  3. No NSFW or Adult Content

    This community is meant for music wars related discussions. Do not engage in or share any explicit, adult, or NSFW content.

  4. No Advertising or Self-Promotion

    Do not use the community to advertise your own products or services that are unrelated to music wars.

  5. Respect the Staff

    Our staff are dedicated to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all. Please respect their authority and refrain from arguing with or harassing them.

  6. Keep posts on topic.

    This community is meant for music wars related discussions.