Servants of Jesus Christ

The Tip of the Spear

~2.6K members

πŸŽ‚ Created at 6/15/2023

Topic: Religion

Rules of the community

  1. Christ is King

  2. Jesus is divine

    Denying the divinity of Jesus results in removal

  3. Bible

    Denying the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible results in removal

  4. Hypostatic unjon

    Denying that Jesus is fully man, fully God results in removal.

  5. Denominations

    Promoting a church or denomination as the "only way to salvation" will result in removal.

  6. Gnostic new age

    We may discuss Gnostic and new age beliefs in order to combat them, anyone defending or promoting those beliefs will be removed.

  7. Harassment

    No bullying or harassment of other members is tolerated. Stern warning followed by immediate removal for noncompliance

  8. Arguing

    It happens and we disagree, however we will not tolerate disrespect. Mods and admin have authority to end discussions, violation after mod action = removal


  10. No calls to arms or promotion of violence

    Jesus was nonviolent and so is this group.