A fun, safe place for NASCAR fans, media, drivers and anyone within the industry to hang out and talk racing on Twitter.

~7.1K members

🎂 Created at 3/24/2022

Topic: Sports

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind and respectful.

    No harassment, name calling etc. will be tolerated. Keep the vibe going and remain civil with one another. You can have disagreements, but keep it respectful.

  2. Respect All Drivers / Teams

    Every fan has their favorite, and least favorites, but let's keep the negativity in check. You never know if a driver or team is in here & they are people too.

  3. Keep Tweets on topic.

    Keep the conversation relevant to NASCAR and racing. This includes talking about former NASCAR drivers (ex. Jimmie Johnson) running other disciplines of racing.

  4. No NSFW content.

    Reminder: We have left this group open and welcoming to everyone who loves the sport, including minors. That being said, keep all talk appropriate.

  5. Keep an eye on the rules.

    The moderators will regularly update the rules as community needs arise, and reserve the right to issue discipline for infractions not stated in the rules above