WordPress Enthusiasts

Discussions, links, and knowledge sharing about all things WordPress! Topics ranging from administration, content, design, development, & everything in between.

~3.6K members

🎂 Created at 12/16/2021

Topic: Technology

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind and respectful.

    This is a safe, inclusive community. No hate speech. No flame wars. No doxxing. Talk to people as if you would IRL having a tea together at a cafe.

  2. Keep Tweets on topic.

    We're talking about WordPress. Not politics. Not covid. Not religion. Keep it about how you use WordPress and what makes it exciting for you!

  3. Explore and share.

    Comment on threads. Share what you are working on. Provide tips on what you've found helpful in working with WordPress.

  4. No Spam

    Spamming is defined as: Same message multiple times; Out-of-context GIFs, etc.; No egg avatars; Unsolicited direct messages to members. No affiliate links!

  5. No links to null websites or unlicensed premium files

    We don't support or condone the sharing of nulled theme or plugin files. Please purchase the premium version yourself from its author.

  6. When all else fails, remember the Golden Rule.

    We're all humans here, we have good days and bad days. Let's be thoughtful of one another and treat others as we would want to be treated. ❤️