
A community to discuss the latest Apple news, rumors, etc.

~340K members

🎂 Created at 2/4/2022

Topic: Technology

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind & respectful

    Be respectful to all the members in this community. Drama is discouraged. Discrimination (racism, sexism, etc.) in any matter is not allowed.

  2. English only

    Conversation must be kept in English in order for everyone to have an equal chance to participate.

  3. No off-topic

    Keep all posts and replies related to Apple. Any media deemed unimportant or inappropriate can and will be deleted.

  4. No spam

    Spam will not be tolerated. That includes excessive or duplicative posting, quoting on community posts over replying, not adding valuable commentary, etc.

  5. No self-promotion

    No promotional content such as promoting a social media page is allowed. Posts can be shared without directing to any personal accounts.

  6. No sensitive content

    Illegal material or activity of any sort is strictly not allowed. That includes pornography, terrorism, piracy, scamming, etc.

  7. No uncredited content

    Sharing content you do not own the rights to (images, news, concepts, etc.) must credit the original author. You may share content by quoting or adding credits.