Beta Profiles

A place to discuss topics related to Apple's beta software, including iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, and more.

~18K members

🎂 Created at 4/17/2022

Topic: Technology

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind and respectful

    Remember the human. Be kind and respect to everyone. Discrimination (racism, sexism, etc.) in any matter is not allowed.

  2. Keep Tweets on topic

    All Tweets should relate to Apple's beta profiles (including developer betas, public betas, and stable releases) or Apple products in general.

  3. Share your thoughts

    This is an open community! Feel free to share your thoughts and start a discussion.

  4. English only

    All conversations must be kept in English in order for everyone to have an equal chance to participate.

  5. No spam

    Spam will not be tolerated including links, Tweets, or other media!

  6. No self-promotion

    No promotional content such as promoting a Twitter page or a product sale is allowed. Media can be shared without it directing to any personal accounts.

  7. Follow the rules

    Pornography, terrorism or any illegal material is not allowed. Illegal activity or scamming of any sort is strictly not allowed.

  8. Questions or concerns

    If you find any of these rules have been broken or have a question, feel free to private message a mod or admin.

  9. Do not share fake Beta Profiles sites.

    Please do not share links to fake websites in this community.