The stufflistings community

A place where real tech enthusiasts can engage in awesome discussions, participate in exclusive giveaways, get access to exclusive content, and more...

~6.8K members

๐ŸŽ‚ Created at 2/14/2022

Topic: Technology

Rules of the community

  1. Be kind and respectful.

    Manners maketh human.

  2. Keep Tweets on topic.

    Let's be real, an off-topic comment helps nobody.

  3. Explore and share.

    This community is of real tech enthusiasts. Let's all learn together.

  4. Respect everyone's privacy.

    Kindly make sure that everyone around you feels safe and respected. No personal attacks to be entertained at any cost.

  5. Bugs

    If you find a bug in a particular device/ROM, feel free to post a thread regarding the same. However, no abuses to the brand/person will be entertained.

  6. Outside the community.

    Kindly be aware that whatever discussions happen inside the community have to stay here. Plus, no thread to be made to plan an attack on an individual/brand.

  7. Self promotion.

    Kindly refrain from self promotion. However, you can always reach out to your commander and if your content is awesome, he'd always be there for help ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  8. Being awesome.

    This is a mandate. A #stufflistingsarmy member HAS to be awesome ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  9. Prizes

    Kindly be aware that other than the community-exclusive giveaways, no preferential treatment shall be provided elsewhere to the members.